Pet Wellness Care

Wellness Exams

Pets benefit greatly from regular wellness examinations. Since our pets age significantly faster than us, we recommend that all pets receive an examination at least once a year. Bringing your pet to Southern Veterinary Clinic is the same as if you were to see a doctor for an exam only once every 6 to 8 years. As they get older, more frequent examinations may be necessary.

During our wellness examination, our team looks at your pet’s heart and lung functions, joints, muscles, hearing, vision, and many other areas. Because so much can change with your pet's physical health, a regular exam is a must to ensure your pet remains happy and healthy.

If you have any questions regarding their wellness exams, we encourage you to ask! We want pet owners to be informed, educated, and comfortable regarding their pets’ health so they can best prepare for their additional stages of life.

Ready to schedule their visit to Southern Veterinary Clinic? Call our team today at (601) 766-9944 and our front desk staff will happily assist you.

Lifestage Wellness

Your pet's health care needs change as they age. Puppies and kittens have health needs that are different from adult and senior pets.

Southern Veterinary Clinic provides special Puppy and Kitten Wellness Packages that include nutrition counseling, preventive medicine, and behavioral training advice. These exams include diagnostic tests, nutritional counseling, and client education opportunities.

As puppies and kittens grow older, their health care needs change. Your pet enters their adult lives around the age of 2 and their senior years around the age of 7. Adult and senior pets start developing diseases such as heart disease, cancer, endocrine disease, and diabetes. Preventative healthcare is very important for seniors as many of these diseases can go unrecognized earlier in their life.

You can minimize suffering in your senior pets, avoid unnecessary health risks, and prevent diseases with early detection. We recommend older pets be examined every six to eight months with complete diagnostic care, including a full laboratory screening.

Have questions about your pets’ health in relation to their age? Don’t hesitate to contact Southern Veterinary Clinic by calling (601) 766-9944 and asking to speak with our Lucedale MS veterinarian.


Vaccinations are an important factor in your pet’s preventative health care plan. Magnola Animal Clinic creates vaccine protocols for your pet that revolve around their unique lifestyle and risk factors, as well as community regulations.


One full year after the puppy vaccination series is completed, we recommend yearly vaccinations of leptospira (a bacterial infection), bordetella (kennel cough), and borrelia (Lyme disease) as needed. We also recommend vaccinations of rabies and DHPP (distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza) every 3 years.


One full year after the kitten vaccination series is completed, we recommend yearly vaccinations of FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) as needed. We recommend vaccinations of rabies and FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis) every 3 years.

If you have any questions about what sort of vaccination protocol is right for your pet, please ask one of our team members or our Lucedale MS veterinarian during your pet’s next appointment or calling our clinic at (601) 766-9944.

Medical Care

At Southern Veterinary Clinic, we offer comprehensive care for your beloved pets, covering a wide range of specialized services to ensure their well-being. Our dedicated team provides expertise in ophthalmology, dermatology, allergy management, urology, gastroenterology, and hematology, addressing diverse health concerns your pet may encounter.

We prioritize proactive care and prompt diagnosis, with our diagnostic services readily available to assess and address your pet's needs. If your pet exhibits symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, seizures, weight loss, pale gums, or fever, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your pet's health is our top priority, and we're committed to providing timely, compassionate care.

To schedule an appointment or seek advice from our experienced Lucedale MS veterinarian, please contact Southern Veterinary Clinic at (601) 766-9944.

Parasite Prevention

Parasites can go from being an inconvenience to seriously damaging your pet’s health. Internal parasites (hookworms, heartworms, and roundworms) and external parasites (ticks and fleas) are common in pets. Some of these parasites can go from your pet to you or your family (zoonotic).

To stop parasites from harming your pets and family, prevention is necessary. Magnola Animal Clinic recommends routine exams and laboratory testing to screen for parasites. We carry many of the leading medications and preventative medicines, on-hand and available at our practice. We will help you determine which product will work best for your pet.

If you have any additional questions about parasite preventions or are ready to schedule an appointment, call Southern Veterinary Clinic at (601) 766-9944 and our front desk team will happily assist you.


To ensure that your pet returns home safely, you should ask us about microchipping. Microchipping is a safe and effective way to be reunited with your pet if they are lost or leave home.

Microchips are implanted into your pet’s skin during a process similar to vaccination. Each microchip is encoded with information about your pet that is tracked in a national database. Veterinary hospitals, clinics, and shelters across the country have special scanners that can detect and read microchips. If your pet goes missing, their microchip is scanned, and the information is used to return your pet home safely.

Any questions about microchipping? Call Southern Veterinary Clinic at (601) 766-9944 to schedule your pet’s consultation today!


Are you going away and need a safe, fun place for your pet? Southern Veterinary Clinic offers boarding for puppies, dogs, kittens, and cats. We treat your pet with the utmost care and compassion, as if they are our own. Our kennel attendants will make your pet’s vacation an enjoyable one, all under the supervision of our doctors.

To make sure your pet is comfortable, we provide proper bedding, food, toys, and temperature control. If you want to make it feel more like home, feel free to bring in your very own items and food! Dogs are exercised regularly and receive the full attention of staff members.

All boarding guests must be up-to-date on vaccinations and flea and tick treatments. Since our boarding areas fill up quickly, please call Southern Veterinary Clinic at (601) 766-9944 and make reservations in advance to secure a spot.