Soft Tissue Surgery

At Southern Veterinary Clinic, we understand that pets may require surgical intervention to address a variety of health issues. Our experienced veterinarians are dedicated to ensuring the safety, comfort, and well-being of your pets throughout their surgical journey. Learn more about soft tissue surgery below and don’t hesitate to ask our team any questions you may have.

What is Soft Tissue Surgery?

Soft tissue surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures that involve organs, tissues, and structures other than bones and joints. This type of surgery can address conditions affecting your pet’s skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, urinary tract, reproductive system, and more. Some common soft tissue surgeries for pets include tumor removals, bladder stone removals, gastrointestinal surgeries, and wound repairs.

We understand that the prospect of surgery can be stressful for both pets and you, the owners. That’s why Southern Veterinary Clinic prioritizes compassionate care and clear, concise communication throughout this process. We take our time to thoroughly explain the procedure, answer any questions and concerns you may have, and provide support for you and your pet every step of the way.

Our clinic utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and technology, including a surgical laser to complete the procedures efficiently and effectively. We are equipped with the latest surgical instruments, monitoring equipment, and anesthesia protocols to maximize safety and minimize risks during surgery. We strive to be ahead of the curve in advancements and technology for all our procedures, so you can ensure that your pet is in capable hands.

Post-Operative Care

Pet care doesn’t end when the surgery is complete. We provide thorough post-op care instructions and closely monitor your pet’s recovery to ensure a smooth and successful healing process. Our team is happily available to address any concerns or complications that may show up and work directly with you to create a personalized care plan made for all your pet’s specific needs.

At Southern Veterinary Clinic, we know that surgery can be a daunting experience with both pets and owners. That’s why we strive to provide compassionate and experienced care throughout the entire process. You can trust our team to provide the highest quality of care every step of the way. Call our clinic today to learn more about soft tissue surgery and schedule a consultation today.